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Bike Maintenance Courses from The Cycle Hub

Our next series of bike maintenance courses will start on 19th March 2024

Each course costs €25,  starts at 6.30pm
Course 1 & 2 last 1.5 hours
Course 3 lasts 2 hours
Click on individual course bookings below

Click here to register for all three courses and pay €70.00

Bike Maintenance 1:

19th March 2024 

No more tears!    Biking to work when…. pssst….. puncture!

Punctures are not an unusual occurrence when cycling. Learn from the pros how to deal with them efficiently so that you are not panicked, late or stranded.


To provide participants with the skills necessary to fix a punctured bicycle tyre.


  • Removing the punctured wheel from the frame
    (front and back)
  • Opening & removing the punctured tube
  • Checking the tyre
  • Fitting the replacement tube & tyre
  • Correct inflation
  • Replacing the wheel in the frame
  • Common causes and prevention

The course will be largely practical. Best to bring your own bike but wheels, tyres, tubes, bikes, pumps and tools will be provided.

All the above steps will be demonstrated and participants will attempt each of the skills.    Be prepared to get your hands dirty!

Bike Maintenance 2:

26th March 2024 

Gear problems and solutions

Gears slipping is a common problem,   find out what to look for and how to do a quick fix for simple problems

We will check through a number of possible issues that arise with gears that will keep your bike running smoothly during your commute or weekend spin.


To provide participants with the skills and knowledge to deal with some common gear issues.


  • Putting back on a dropped chain
  • Tuning gears
  • Fixing broken gear cables
  • Fixing malfunctioning gears
  • Assessing problems with derailleurs

The course will be largely practical.  Bring your own bike and tools will be provided.

All the above steps will be demonstrated and participants will attempt each of the skills.

Be prepared to get your hands dirty!

Bike Maintenance 3:

9th April

“A stitch in time saves nine”…

Keeping your bike in good order is not rocket science and doesn’t require much time.  Learn some of the easy tasks which help keep your bike working well, reduce wear and tear and keep you safe.


To provide participants with the skills necessary to ensure their bike is kept in safe road worthy condition.


  • Tips of the trade for cleaning & lubricating
  • Checking signs and symptoms of wear and tear
  • Learning to check through each major component
  • Checking brakes,  what to look for and adjust
  • Checking bearings,  what to look for and adjust
  • Checking drive train,  what to look for and adjust

All the above steps will be demonstrated and participants will attempt each of the skills.   Bring your own bike to work on.

Be prepared to get your hands dirty!

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